As Melbourne gets colder, you may have noticed that your body becomes less mobile.
Who can blame us? It is cold, there’s less daylight – it can be harder to motivate ourselves to keep moving – and movement is what we need to keep our mobility.
When we move less, our body stiffens up and we become less flexible. We tend to eat more heavy and stodgy food, and do less exercise.
At these times we are more likely to strain parts of our body in movements of daily life: spasming a muscle while sitting at a desk; or straining our neck whilst driving.
When the body keeps moving, it stays supple, and it is then that we have flexibility and the mobility for daily life
So how can you get movement into your daily life during this colder days?
Our top 5 Winter in Melbourne Mobility tips:
- Walk an extra station either before or after your daily commute, or even both. This may even warm you up too.
- Take the stairs at work. Even if you are in a rush, you’ll be surprised how little time this takes from your day – and it will get easier each time you do it.
- Still get out at lunchtime. Not only is this generally the warmest part of the day, but it’s an important activity for your brain as well as your body.
- Don’t forget the dog. Let your pet’s pleading eyes motivate you to keep moving.
- Think about indoor exercise classes. If it’s hard to motivate yourself – arrange to go with at friend – they’re harder to let down. Our advice for the best exercise class? Without doubt, the one that you enjoy the most and that will fit into your own lifestyle the most. This will make sure you go.
Stay warm and keep moving!