By Bruce Duncan, Osteopath
Those creaks, pops, cracks and groans from your knees are called crepitus – and they are actually in themselves nothing to worry about. The sounds can be a sign of some normal wearing or ageing. When the sounds are accompanied by discomfort, stiffness, pain on activity or even pain at rest – it’s definitely time to do something about it.
Back in the day, some therapists would have you booked in for arthroscopic surgery – for a ‘clean up’. Thankfully now the evidence for success is movement and exercise. Here’s some general guidelines –
- progressive general movement – walking, cycling and swimming are great. Start slowly and build up
- strengthening your core. Good ol’ sit ups, side planks and bird dogs will do the trick
- strengthening your legs. Bridges for gluts and wall sits for your knees specifically
- Osteopathic check up and a treatment to check that all the related joints – your ankles, hips, pelvis and back – are moving well
- other stuff like taping your knees for activity, and icing afterwards can all help
Our Osteos here at NCO can not only examine and treat you, but can guide you through an individualised strengthening program to get you out of discomfort, resolve those noises, and get you back to doing the things you love. You can book online here or give us a call on the number below.
If you have any questions on any of the information above, please feel free to contact us and we will be happy to chat.
All the Best!
Bruce Duncan
North Carlton Osteopathy – 930 Lygon Street p 9380 4626